Everyone has these days where they just don’t feel themselves. Sometimes laziness takes over, they just lay on the couch binging either some food or a Netflix show (or both) and at some point, they just start feeling tired and crappy. Or sometimes people are just in a bad mood.
It’s normal, even important to be off sometimes but we also need to always remind ourselves that we’re the ones in control.
You’re the only one who can decide how you see certain situations, how you act in certain situations, and what feeling you actively strive for.
I am not telling you to force yourself into a certain emotion because toxic positivity is a real thing. Pressuring yourself into happiness is terrible for your mental health so don’t to that.
But if you’re binging youtube all day and you’re well aware of how it makes you feel, but you don’t do anything about it, then feeling bad was your responsibility and decision.
But sometimes it’s hard to get away from the things that make you feel bad because we don’t really know what to do instead as they’re comfortable and easy. So today I am going to show you a couple of things you can always do. These tips are for you if you feel like you can’t get away from your phone and feel sad, unhappy, or lazy (and even if you feel great and happy).

So here are my tips
Go outside.
If you’re in a situation in which you feel like you can’t get away from the negative energy that surrounds you, going outside into a different environment and getting a bit of distance between you and the things that momentarily have that impact on you can work wonders.
The fresh air outside clears your head and makes you feel more awake, fulfilled, and appreciative of your surroundings. Going outside grounds you mindful.
Getting some physical activity and having your heart rate up a little, has a great impact on your body and mind. When you exercise your endorphins rise, and your stress-hormones adrenalin and cortisol decrease. Any kind of exercise, running, youtube workouts, even going for a walk boosts your self-confidence and you’re actively doing something for yourself.
Talk to other people.
Homosapiens are naturally gregarious beings. Socializing is very important for everyone, even the biggest introvert needs to socialize. There’s a lot of scientific research and many studies saying that socializing and maintaining healthy relationships has a huge impact on people’s mental health and happiness. You can meet a friend for coffee or even just facetime friends or family.
Get started.
Take a shower, put some nice clothes on, and get ready for the day. Doing this you are caring for your physical self and as you might already know it has a huge impact on your mental health. And also makes you feel more put together and this can have a huge impact on your productivity.
Get away from your phone.
Digital detox is always a great idea. We tend to spend a lot of time scrolling through social media and binging on youtube videos or Netflix shows, out of comfort and boredom. It often happens that we get into some kind of loop and once we’ve started it gets hard to stop.
It influences our mental health, making us feel crappy, tired, and unmotivated. So try to be aware of your social media usage and if you find yourself trapped in your insta-feed try to shut your phone down and do something else for 15 minutes. The moment you put away your phone you will still feel drawn to it for about 15 minutes and so if you do something else for that time like trying one of these tips you won’t feel the urge to use your phone anymore.
I hope these tips can help you and I would love to hear from your experiences with my tips and your opinion.
So true. I love your tips! Thank you, Joana 👏
Thank you!